The Elemis spas at Heathrow T5 and New York’s JFK are designed to get you ready for your flight

Wellbeing • August 2014

The perks of pre-flight pampering

Can a massage really help you de-stress before a flight? Ahead of the opening of the refurbished Elemis spa at the T7 lounge in New York’s JFK this summer, The Club speaks to BA’s Debbie Jervier and Carolyn Lefebvre from the lounge development team about designing an airport spa menu and the benefits of being pampered before you fly

It has been eight months since the new-look Elemis spa opened in T5’s lounge. What were the biggest changes made?
DJ: We found customers wanted to use their time productively in the lounge. We introduced the First Class Power Shave for our male customers, while women wanted their nails to look good, so we now offer a buff and polish.

Are all the spa treatments exclusive to BA?
DJ: Absolutely. We work very closely with Noella Gabriel, Elemis director of product and treatment development. Elemis brings its expertise, and we work collaboratively to make sure customers get what they want. 

Tell us more about the refurbished spa opening this summer at New York’s JFK…
CL: We’re in the process of developing a menu with Elemis, designed around sleep. A lot of the treatments are focused on relaxing and getting customers ready to fly, but the new products will focus on how your body reacts to sleep.


The Elemis spa at JFK will focus on promoting sleep

How are those treatments being developed?
CL: Elemis looked at the whole journey: at sleep profiles, how sleep is affected by the senses, and which treatments could help customers feel relaxed on reaching their destination. Customers will be able to get bespoke treatments, depending on what they want from their journey. Some want to be in a deep sleep, while others want to be relaxed and able to work. And some people are nervous about flying…

What are your tips for staying rejuvenated in the air?
CL: Drink lots of water. If there’s a time difference, try to stay awake at your destination until your appropriate bedtime. And moisturise – it’s all about hydration.

For more information on the Elemis spa, visit


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