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From cutting-edge ad technology to baffling political skirmishes, the brainy bunch behind The Economist share their wisdom on a whole host of curious topics with The Economist explains. Delve into the intriguing science behind lab-grown diamonds and discover why big jewellers are making the switch, or get lost in the history of the supermoon, learn how to spot one and dive into the astronomical debate on just what qualifies that ‘super’ prefix.
The Economist loves a good graph and, after a gander at its engrossing (and aesthetically pleasing) charts and infographics in the dedicated Graphic detail section, so do we. Explore topical issues through figurative form, such as this startling line chart illustrating the environmental toll of crypto giant bitcoin, or this compelling interpretation of hourly pay for Amazon workers over the last few years, as the publication explores the wider impact of the employer’s rising wages.
While The Economist takes a novel approach to journalism, with writers remaining anonymous as they speak in the self-professed collective voice of the publication, By Invitation provides a platform for illustrious guest experts. Hear from the likes of chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov as he proposes an innovative new approach to our political processes, or take notes from former finance minister of Colombia Mauricio Cárdenas as he outlines his plan for future-proofing the economy against further pandemics.
Ever wondered what would happen if mammoths were brought back from extinction? What about if autonomous water drones roamed the seven seas policing illegal maritime activities? With The World If, The Economist poses (and answers) some of the most potent questions of our time – plus it throws in a few whacky cartoons for anyone wondering just what would happen if humans evolved into a hairless species?
For those of us who love to get lost in a rabbit hole of thoughts and ideas, the Reports section is sure to deliver. Get to grips with meaty topics such as the future of banking or the limits of artificial intelligence, as The Economist pulls together comprehensive collections of articles in response to some of the world’s most pressing issues.
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